

Un alley-oop est, en basket-ball, une variante du slam dunk qui consiste à reprendre une passe en vol pour aller dunker, c'est-à-dire la mettre directement dans le panier. L'action est spectaculaire dans le sens où elle demande une excellente... Wikipédia
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""Alley Oop"" sur en.wikipedia.org
An alley-oop in basketball is an offensive play in which one player passes the ball near the basket to a teammate who jumps, catches the ball in mid-air and ...
""Alley Oop"" sur meetalleyoop.com
Alleyoop · Beauty That Makes Moves Beauty That Makes Moves · Shop Collection · Bar Raised. Trail Blazed. · Hit refresh on your routine ...
Alley Oop. By Jonathan Lemon and Joey Alison Sayers. Follow. Advertisement. Overview · Comics · About · Today's Comic from Alley Oop. Read Now · Comics. Read ...
Alley Oop is a syndicated comic strip created December 5, 1932, by American cartoonist V. T. Hamlin, who wrote and drew the strip through four decades for ...
""Alley Oop"" sur www.merriam-webster.com
The meaning of ALLEY-OOP is a play in which a leaping player catches a pass above the basket and immediately dunks the ball; also : the usually high, ...
""Alley Oop"" sur www.letsalleyoop.com
alley-oop is a platform and community helping Dads & Daughters change the game, together. We're on a mission to ignite girls' confidence to fuel their ...
Alley-oop definition: (used as a shout of encouragement, exhortation, or the like, especially when coordinating efforts to lift a heavy object.).
""Alley Oop"" sur www.alley-oopyouthbasketball.com
AVAC Alley-Oop is a great way for teams to get more reps to develop. Teams can play in Alley-Oop and add consistent and competitive basketball games to their ...
""Alley Oop"" sur www.alleyoopkids.org
Alley-Oop Kids is run by kids for kids. We believe in the transformative power of sport and install Lending Lockers full of free gear to bring sports to ...